February 1/Mon
9.30pm rm20
No Black Tie invites multifariously talented father and son RENDRA ZAWAWI & DR WAN ZAWAWI to stage a performance that will be nothing less than poetic and rich with cultural nuances. Rendra Zawawi is a Malaysian singer/songwriter who emphasizes a lot on the various melodies and lyrical feels to his song. His compositions involve feels of many genres but at the same time comprise a sound of his own - his voice and his rhythmic acoustic guitaring. Genres include modern folk, folk/ska, rock, slow-rock and many more. His influences are those from many. His compositions are available in both English and Malay. Dr. Wan Zawawi is a poet-singer cum social anthropologist, currently a professor at University Malaya. He plays his own compositions, which are a creative fusion of folk-blues and Nusantara world music.
February 2/ Tues
9.30pm rm30
RACHEL GUERZO TRIO returns to No Black Tie after the chanteuse released her debut album 'Just Friends' and on the eve of her Dewan Filharmonik Petronas debut performance in April. Led by the heir of Malaysia's two most musical families — the Solianos and Guerzos — the Rachel Guerzo Trio promises a night of sensual jazz standards and a well-crafted performance that springs from her varied musical upbringing.
February 3/ Wed
9.30pm rm30
“CELLISH” is a cello quartet featuring Robert Choi (cello), Norman Ong, Razef Khan & Chan Yit Fei. Robert is an accomplished cellist who has done solo recital and concerto performances in USA, Europe, Japan and Korea. Prepare to be overwhelmed by stunning musical pieces brought to life by the anthropomorphic lament of the cello.
February 4/ Thrs
9.30pm rm20
Xiong (v/gtr) & Alwyn (perc) seduces us to sway to the rhythm of Samba and Bossa Nova and be carried away with the stories at the heart of MUSICA POPULAR BRASILEIRA Come and be transported to the streets of Brazil with its myriad stories of love, longing and life!

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