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Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Actors Studio - KLpac
CyberSAfE Awareness Talk - Safer Internet

CyberSAfE Awareness Talk - Safer Internet
Safer Internet Day 2010Safer Internet Day (SID) is an initiative by INSAFE, a network of national nodes that coordinate internet safety awareness in Europe. CyberSAfE Malaysia is celebrating SAFER INTERNET DAY 2010 (SID 2010) on 9 February 2010 and has lined up a whole list of exciting activities for the Malaysian public!
This presentation will walk you through the dark journey of the World Wide Web (or Wild Wild Web) that may contain your public information as well as sensitive information. By using publicly available open source tools or 'your best friend on the internet' - Google search engine, the information reconnaissance about you, your friends, your company etc can be performed without asking your permission. This reality affects everyone as we becoming more dependent on the internet.
Find out more in this free talk. Registration is compulsary. Seats are limited (Limited to 80 per session). To register, please call 03 8946 0943 or email
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